

03 Apr

7 minutes ago, KaitouGir said:

Do all players need to be rank 5 with Cavia or just the host? 

All players need to be Rank 5 in order to play Deep Archimedea. You won't see Necraloid in the Sanctum without being Rank 5.

7 minutes ago, FulfillMyWill said:

If we won't spend our current 5 pulses, will we get 5 more anyways?


7 minutes ago, IceBen said:

Ow ye! Can we get a clarification that we should/shouldn't use our current 5 charges before that?

You can use your current 5 Search Pulses for Netracells if you like. Once the Hotfix goes live you'll be given 5 more :) 



Deep Archimedea is coming to a Sanctum Anatomica near you TOMORROW on all platforms!

Friendly reminder that you must be Rank 5 with the Cavia to engage in Deep Archimedea.

Prepare yourself and be on the lookout for Red Text!

02 Apr


Hello! I'm popping my head in here to provide some dev insight related to this conversation. 

As Dante Unbound nears one full week since its launch, the team has been reading and collecting feedback in all areas, including Dante himself. 

To remind us of our nerfing philosophy, we do not nerf things unless it AUTOMATES PLAY, is DISRUPTIVE to a squad, or is DOMINANT in states.

We are currently happy with how favored Dante is and recognize that nerfs typically have a negative connotation. With that in mind, we are reviewing early stats with an open mind to ensure we don't leave room for disruptive or dominant play styles. Any tweaks done to Dante will be to ensure he is still performing strongly, just not disruptive or dominant. 


28 Mar



  • Updated the Onos and Ruvox Blueprint description to indicate that they also drop in the Armatus Disruption mission on Deimos.
  • Improved teleport volumes in the Albrecht’s Laboratories tileset to prevent issues with players getting spawned in weird spots. 


  • Fixed Armatus Disruption not rewarding the highest amount of Vessel Capillaries per Necramech Demolishers destroyed in the normal/Steel Path ranges:
    • Normal: 2-4 Vessel Capillaries (only 2-3 were being rewarded before this fix). 
    • Steel Path: 5-7 Vessel Capillaries (only 5-6 were being rewarded before this fix).
  • Fixed the TennoCon 2024 Display (from the Tenno...
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Defend the Leverian from the avaricious clutches of Parvos Granum and the Corpus! Drusus, curator and caretaker of the Leverian, requests your help to get out from under Parvos’s gilded thumb. It falls to you to track down his assistant and chief chronicler, the Warframe Dante. Master Dante’s Abilities as you take on new Missions and greater challenges than ever before. Read on to learn more about everything in Update 35.5: Dante Unbound! 

Happy 11 Year Anniversary, Tenno! 

The future of the Origin System has never looked brighter, or more chock-full of exciting possibilities! The next era of Warframe is now here and all Tenno, new and old, are invited to join us as we ho...

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27 Mar


Dante Unbound: Hotfix 35.5.1


  • Adjusted GI Lighting in the Orbiter to improve lighting on various Decorations. 
    • Also fixed an issue with the glass shelves appearing translucent in the Personal Quarters. 
  • Removed the ability to use Noctua in Archwing/Submersible Archwing.
    • This matches the standard for other similar Exalted weapons.
    • This change also fixes cases of Dante losing access to his Secondary weapon and Abilities when in Submersible Archwing with Noctua active.
  • Added a duration cap to Chroma’s Guardian Armor Augment Mod.
    • This Augment was intended to offer players a way to extend its duration but was released uncapped, resulting in some pretty impressive numbers. For the sake of balance, we have capped this bonus time at your current modded Vex Armor duration. ...
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30 minutes ago, ElitePrime7 said:

Thank you for clarifying. If I may, could you possibly narrow down “temporarily”? Just wanting to know if it will be hours, days, weeks etc

We're actively in conversation with our partners to try and sort out a solution. I don't have a perfect ETA for you, but we're doing what we can to get it out to you before the weekend.

40 minutes ago, deltavids said:

im in no rush take all the time you guys need to figure things out. im just curious, do i need to put i request for the refund in or is this automatically. just a question thank you

It's retroactive - no need to reach out!




Defend the Leverian from the avaricious clutches of Parvos Granum and the Corpus! Drusus, curator and caretaker of the Leverian, requests your help to get out from under Parvos’s gilded thumb. It falls to you to track down his assistant and chief chronicler, the Warframe Dante. Master Dante’s Abilities as you take on new Missions and greater challenges than ever before. Read on to learn more about everything in Update 35.5: Dante Unbound! 

Happy 11 Year Anniversary, Tenno! 

The future of the Origin System has never looked brighter, or more chock-full of exciting possibilities! The next era of Warframe is now here and all Tenno, new and old, are invited to join us as we ho...

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Hello, Tenno! 

In an extensive effort to address regional currency manipulation, Real Money Trade (RMT), and to maintain a consistent baseline pricing across all platforms, we have regional price adjustments coming into effect for LATAM and MENA on March 27th. 

Warframe is among many other game developers in the industry who have recognized and undergone similar adjustments in an effort to keep up with exchange rate changes and, most importantly, methods of currency manipulation in regions where the offerings are exceedingly below the baseline. 

To further clarify, no pricing adjustments are being made to regions outside of LATAM and MENA regions (i.e. no changes to currencies such as USD, CAD, EURO, etc.)

Please contact our Support team if you have questions on how this affects you.

We recognize that making monetary adjustments to a free-to-play...

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26 Mar

10 minutes ago, Numerounius said:

I'm still confused on if the attempt for deep archimedea is replayable until you get the reward like netracells or if it will be burned up and we can longer use that attempt to get a reward it if we get a mission fail.

Players can exchange 2x of their 5x weekly Netracell Search Pulses to access the week’s Deep Archimedea. Doing so gives you unlimited chances to play Deep Archimedea missions and earn the available rewards before each weekly reset.

12 minutes ago, Flex1me said:

Does Deep Archimedea have seamless transitions between missions? Or is it same as Sortie ? 


You commit to the 3 back-to-back missions, so unlike Sorties, it takes to directly to the next mission.

1 minute ago, SirKnum said:

Will the loot pool for Netracells change with the patch or with the hotfix?

The Netracell Drop Table changes will still come in Dante Unbound tomorrow.


Hi Tenno!

With Dante Unbound’s release this week on March 27th quickly approaching, we have made the decision to launch without the Deep Archimedea game mode and instead ship it in a Hotfix on all platforms next week.

The team assessed where Deep Archimedea was at and determined some additional time was needed to iron out the last wrinkles and make those final polish checks. Given the complexity of the game mode and all the careful design considerations required in its development, we want to ensure that when it gets to you in its best state!

As an additional reminder, Deep Archimedea requires 2 Netracell Search Pulses in order to play. With that in mind, we wanted to reassure you that we will be adding a one-time bonus of 5 Netracell Search Pulses with the Deep Archimedea Hotfix next week, which will last until the following weekly reset (Monday, April 8th @ 0:00 UTC). This should ensure everyo...

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18 Mar


Here to provide an additional update to this conversation.

Regarding players losing purchases due to being ineligible for a Merge and therefore can only Link, the team is discussing a potential solution regarding respective purchased items. Still, more time is needed to discuss, implement, and test before we can share the specifics.

We will make a broader announcement once we have a more concrete plan of action in place. 

13 Mar

6 minutes ago, Voltage said:

Maybe this is just worded weird, but this sounds like a huge nerf for Decoy for those who understand the current aggro strength. Plague Star makes great use of the current functionality :(

Apologies - I've clarified the post! Nothing has changed with Decoy's aggro. 

18 minutes ago, SteveCutler said:

I think you accidentally a word?

Was this supposed to be "15% of enemies armor"?

No, this references the amount of enemies (15%) that Decoy will essentially aggro within that range by drawing their attention. 
Fixed wording: Decoy now also draws 15% of the Health and Shield totals of enemies within a base of 15m, scaling with Ability Strength and Range, respectively.

Edited by [DE]Megan
edited my comment

Hello, Tenno!

Devstream #177 noted a handful of quality-of-life changes for the upcoming update: Dante Unbound! This Dev Workshop aims to provide you with a written outline of these changes and note some new ones that have developed since the Devstream. Let’s get into it!

Upon downloading Dante Unbound and logging in, all players will receive an Inbox message containing 2x Forma (built) that can be used (at your discretion) towards experimenting with these upcoming changes.



Decoy now also draws 15% of the Health and Shield totals of enemies within a base of 15m, scaling with Ability Strength and Range, respectively. This should make Decoy much more useful in higher-level missions, as it can survive a lot more exposure to enemy attacks!


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Hello, Tenno!

Devstream #177 outlined our plans for the upcoming Inaros Rework in the Dante Unbound update. We wanted to provide this Dev Workshop to house the information and note some development tweaks we have made since the Devstream. Let’s begin!

Upon downloading Dante Unbound and logging in, all players will receive an Inbox message containing 2x Forma (built) that can be used (at your discretion) towards experimenting with these upcoming changes.

For my visual learning Tenno - please enjoy this video breakdown from Lead Game Designer, Pablo, which we showed on Devstream 177: 


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